• CLICK KM4dev
  • IMG-0956
  • LFN
  • documentation
  • We believe in the power of information for development
  • Facilitation of public producer private sector partnership meeting
  • CLICK is secretariat of Lao Farmer Network
  • Documenting farming practices


IMG 7763

Faclitation of community of practice among grantees of VOICE program in Laos.

Lao Farmer Network

LFN training2

Farmer to Farmer learning on buring rice hask for gardening 

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Our office

Our office is located in Phonsinuane village, Sisattanak district, Vientiane capital

The map to our office is here:



Facebook: clicki4dev

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Online media

CLICK is a poineer organization in online platforms for development. We are one of the few Lao language-based initiatives in the country.

Our  online resource, the www.lao44.org established in early 2007 is one of the initiatives in an effort to consolidate Lao language information on development, and make it available in public domain. Up to date, there are almost 2500 pieces of documents and more than 300 videos available for free download. The website is polular among students, government officers, and civil society organizations, which more than 1500 people visit the website everyday.

In addition, CLICK run online discussion groups to facilitate sharing of information and opinions on development. The LaoLink- Lao language group, and LaoFAB- English language group serve more than 5000 subcribers with selected daily news, as well as being popular as a useful space to access to free information and advises.

CLICK also active in using social media especially Facebook for development work. Our Facebook page: clicklaos, lao08 and laofab might be of your interest. Please visit us!